HECO Chain
7 min readFeb 25, 2022


Guest:COO of NEXTYPE:Ronn
Host:Andy of HECO

Introduction — Segment I

Welcome, Ronn. Could you tell us about yourself? What did you do before NEXTYPE and why did you choose to work for NEXTYPE?

Hey, thanks for having me here to hold this AMA! Glad to be speaking with the HECO community.

I’m Ronn, COO of NEXTYPE. Before working at NEXTYPE, I had almost 10 years of experience in a famous game company, in which I was in charge of the operation of more than ten games. Some of them are truly successful, and the MAU is up to 1 million.

I chose to work at NEXTYPE because I find blockchain fascinating. Moreover, I believe DeFi and NFT is going to revolutionize the traditional game industry.

Q&A — Segment II

1.Could you tell us more about your project? In other words, what does NEXTYPE do?

We define NEXTYPE as an integrated blockchain game distribution platform, focusing on self-developed GameFi products, traditional games remaking with blockchain, and top IPs commercialized and empowered with NFT.
As a blockchain game platform, NEXTYPE is dedicated to providing players with the top blockchain game experience and building a next-generation Gameverse in the upcoming Metaverse.

You can learn more about NEXTYPE from our official website: https://nextype.finance/

We have launched 2 blockchain games before:
MiningTycoon is the Economic System Engine of NEXTYPE. Its core function is to produce NEXTYPE’s platform token NT. MiningTycoon is the first game in the NEXTYPE ecosystem with virtual mining as core gameplay. It has been launched for 6 months with 300,000 users and $22M TVL. Players could stake to mine NEXTYPE ecology token $NT in several exciting ways.
The new version V2 is launched on HECO with the newly updated gameplays and scenes. Experience it here: https://v2heco.btcmining.game/

REBORN is the world’s first episodic drama-type blockchain game.
Players can start game life with Ticket, which needs to be bought with NT, or NFT Life Node Cards to experience over 10,000 random life events. In the game, players have to strive to live longer to win higher prizes. Furthermore, the prize pool in the game will get bigger with more players joining, so there are chances for players to earn massive incomes.
Play REBORN here: https://reborn-app.nextype.finance/

More self-developed games are under development, including NEO FANTASY, Maiden Des Dragon, RacingTycoon, and CITYOON, which are expected to be presented in the early of this year.
Moreover, NEXTYPE will cooperate with high-quality blockchain games development teams to construct the NEXTYPE products matrix for more than 300,000 players.

2.There are many similar out there, some have been quite successful. What is special about NEXTYPE compared to other projects?

Compared with other GameFi projects, we would take the design of the economic system of NEXTYPE’s products as the most important part, design and test them repeatedly, seeking the perfect match between the gameplay and the economic system so that players can have more fun in the game as well as earn the revenue. Therefore, the design of P2E will be softer to ensure a positive economic ecology and maintain its vitality. In this regard, the success of Axie Infinity can be referred to.
Also, the eco-economic closed-loop of NEXTYPE should be noticed. Players can obtain NT through mining in MininngTycoon and use NT to purchase when new games or props are presented, significantly reducing the investment when you start in NEXTYPE, as well as transferring NFT from previous games to new games by NFT minting. NT will also have a better value as it is continuously burnt. This is the more significant advantage of the platform over a single product. The fundamental to achieving this closed-loop is launching more fun games for players. This is why we insist on self-developed games.

3.Could you give us some info on the NT Token?

NT is the most important circulating token in the whole NEXTYPE ecology. The total supply is limited to 1,000,000,000, which are currently issued on HECO, and will be operated synchronously in multiple chains later.

Here’s our NT Token Address on HECO: 0x8b70512b5248e7c1f0f6996e2fde2e952708c4c9
You can purchase $NT in the Huobi、MDEX、DODO、PancakeSwap and BakerySwap. Here’s the link for entrance: https://linktr.ee/NT_Buying

4.What would be one’s motive to hold NT tokens? What can we do with $NT ?

As I said, NT is our circulating token in the whole NEXTYPE ecology, so you can Play2Earn in NEXTYPE ecosystem by holding NT.

For example:
1. Participate in IGO with priority when the new game goes online according to the number of NT holding/staked, the computing power, and level in MininnTycoon to win NT rewards and Whitelist qualification.

2. Purchase new game NFTs with discount when first released.

3. In NDEX, NT and new game tokens will form liquidity pairs, and these LP tokens can be staked in MiningTycoon to earn additional revenue.

4. Participate in platform governance (DAO), such as voting on the gameplay system and economic model of new games, to really allow players to participate in the game R&D and create games belonging to the community together. Meanwhile, you can also run for positions like administrators and CMO in Game Guild. The final candidates will be selected by community voting and win the corresponding NT reward.
In addition to rich application scenarios, NT also has a continuous burning mechanism. The burning process is publicized on the official channels every week.

Therefore, the future value space of NT is vast. Referring to the development route of ETH, BNB, and other ecological platforms tokens, the value of NT will be gradually excavated and amplified in three to four years. At present, it is still at a low price, and the cost of putting into the game is relatively low, which is a better time.

5.Could you please update some latest news or big events of NEXTYPE in the coming time?

We are holding MetaFi event with several excellent projects on HECO, including LendHub, in which you can stake specified Tokens in MiningTycoon V1 to earn NFTs, such as staking $LHB to earn LendHub&NEXTYPE co-branded NFT.

Join here to win NFTs: https://heco.btcmining.game

And more games under development are expected to be presented in the first half of this year:

NEO FANTASY is still in development. We have put a lot of effort into the art design, and there are some creative gameplays in the economic model. The game will be presented in the way of Dapp to be more simple for players. We expect it to be launched during the spring of 2022.

Maiden Des Dragons, a TCG-type blockchain game. We plan to introduce some gameplay that requires strategies to the GameFi world and add P2E elements based on gameplay, making players enjoy the game with a sense of strategy while gaining revenue through DeFi-based gameplay.

Racing Tycoon is a racing-themed blockchain game. Players need to collect various NFT components to assemble a racing car and compete with other players for ranking and rewards. There would be many types and varieties of NFT components. Each player can assemble different racing cars based on their understanding of the game to participate in various races. Players can gain revenue by collecting advanced components and participating in advanced races.

6.If you were to summarize your project in 1 word, what would it be? Why?

The word I would use to describe NEXTYPE is ‘AMBITIOUS’.
NEXTYPE is trying to define the new form of next-gen blockchain game, which is not easy. We have seen many blockchain games recently, but some of them cannot even be called ‘games’ because of terrible game experience and poor gameplay. We not only want to improve this dilemma but also will try our best to develop the infrastructure for the distribution platform.

7.How do you guarantee users’ asset security?

Thanks for mention this question
Users’ assets security is our top priority.

First, every operation related to users’ crypto assets is carried out via well-tested and deployed smart contracts. There is no way for anything (including the NEXTYPE developer team) to manipulate users’ assets.
Second, all smart contract source code is available in the GitHub repo. Anyone is welcome to review the source code and compare it with the deployed version on the blockchain.
Third, our smart contract source code has been audited by the prestigious security company CertiK. Before our launch, they have helped us test and improve the security mechanisms.
Here is the audit report: https://www.certik.org/projects/nextype

Therefore, users in NEXTYPE will never face assets security issues.

8.Anything else you guys would like to add before we go into the live questions session?

We look forward to having HECO users play our games. As I mentioned before, we aim to build a better NEXTYPE ecosystem and attract more different types of players, your support means a lot to us, I hope you guys can continue to support NEXTYPE!

About HECO

HECO Chain is a decentralized, high-efficiency, and energy-saving public chain, and the first product launched on the HECO Chain Open Platform. On the basis of supporting high-performance transactions, the compatibility of smart contracts is realized. HECO Chain’s native digital asset is HT, which uses the HPOS consensus mechanism.

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